By admin, on June 17th, 2023%
The theme the church picked for Mahragan Alkeraza 2023 is “you shall surely rejoice”(Deuteronomy 16:15). We hope that all of you will participate in the Mahragan activities this year, and encourage everyone you know to join us in one of the greatest annual events, presented by our mother, the Coptic Orthodox Church.
May God . . . → Read More: Mahragan Alkeraza 2023 – Rejoice
By admin, on February 27th, 2023%
The church will have summer camp this summer for kids between ages 4 and 14 years old. It will be for last 3 weeks in July and first 3 weeks in August (total of six weeks).
Online application with full details available below. Please make sure to fill the form if you want to . . . → Read More: St. Mina Summer Camp 2023
By admin, on June 17th, 2022%
The theme the church picked for Mahragan Alkeraza 2021 is “Live in Peace” (2 Corinthians 13:11). We hope that all of you will participate in the Mahragan activities this year, and encourage everyone you know to join us in one of the greatest annual events, presented by our mother, the Coptic Orthodox Church.
May . . . → Read More: Mahragan Alkeraza 2022 – Live in Peace
By admin, on December 5th, 2021%
“How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
(Psalm 119:103)
The church would like to invite you to her Christmas Carnival 2021 for all Sunday School classes. The recitation day will be in Christmas Break on Sunday, January 2nd, 2022.
Below is the material for memorization for each . . . → Read More: Sunday School Carnival 2021
By admin, on June 25th, 2021%
The theme the church picked for Mahragan Alkeraza 2021 is “Taste and See The Lord is Good” (Psalm 34:8). This year, God is asking each one of us to grow in Christ by:
Rejoicing in Christ Growing strong roots inside the Church Building our faith through reading the Bible Caring for everyone Maintaining . . . → Read More: Mahragan Alkeraza 2021 – Taste & See The Lord Is Good
By admin, on March 9th, 2021%
Important Announcement: The church would like to remind the parents of JK to Grade 8 that the registration forms (Fillable Form) for St. Mina Summer Camp are due on Sunday, March 14, 2021. Please make sure to register before the deadline as we will need to know numbers in order to start planning as . . . → Read More: St. Mina Summer Camp 2021
By admin, on June 23rd, 2020%
The theme for Mahragan Alkeraza 2020 is “My Church Is Spirit & Life”. This year, God is asking each one of us to grow in Christ. To do this we will learn about the following topics:
My Church is a Beautiful VineOur Good Shepard protects the ChurchWell established with Strong RootsWe are its Watered . . . → Read More: Mahragan Alkeraza 2020 – My Church is Spirit & Life
By admin, on March 1st, 2020%
Whom: High School and University/College StudentsWhere: St. Mary and St. Moses Abbey, TexasWhen: Monday, July 27th, 2020 to Saturday, August 1st, 2020Cost: $800/person (deposit of $300 is needed) . Early bird: $750/person by Sunday, March 15th, 2020 Deadline: Sunday, April 12th, 2020Contact Person: Mr. Amir . . . → Read More: Youth Monastery Retreat 2020
By admin, on February 15th, 2020%
Join us this family day, Monday, February 17, 2020 in the church, this is the schedule for the day:
8:30-10:30am Holy Liturgy
10:30-11:15am Complementary Breakfast Buffet
11:15-1:00pm Kids and youth fun activities (bouncy castle, face painting, games and crafts, ping pong, basket ball, movie time, …etc)
11:15-1:00pm Adults Games, activities & prizes, and lecture . . . → Read More: Family Day – February 2020
By admin, on December 7th, 2019%
“How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
(Psalm 119:103)
The church would like to invite you to her Christmas Carnival 2019 for all Sunday School classes. The recitation day will be in Christmas Break on Saturday, January 4th, 2020 from 11am to 2pm (after the Holy Liturgy . . . → Read More: Sunday School Carnival 2019