
Verses of the Day!

Departure of Mrs. Sura Hermiz

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live”

(John 11:25)

Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of the . . . → Read More: Departure of Mrs. Sura Hermiz

St. Mary’s Spiritual Revival – August 2023

In celebration of the Feast of Virgin Mary, under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Mina of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Mississauga, Vancouver and Western Canada and in the presence of the reverend priests of the region, St. Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Hamilton is pleased to invite you to a spiritual revival . . . → Read More: St. Mary’s Spiritual Revival – August 2023

Departure of Mrs. Victoria (Samra) Nashed Abdel-Malak

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live”

(John 11:25)

Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of the . . . → Read More: Departure of Mrs. Victoria (Samra) Nashed Abdel-Malak

Apologetics Seminar (June 10-11) with Dr. George Bassilios

We are pleased to announce about a 2-day Apologetics Seminar to be held at St. Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Hamilton, Ontario (1562 Rymal Rd E, Hamilton, ON L8W 3P1) on June 10-11 (Saturday and Sunday) with Dr. George Bassilios, the author of the book “Timeless Truth in Truthless Times”.

The schedule will be . . . → Read More: Apologetics Seminar (June 10-11) with Dr. George Bassilios

Summer Jobs 2023

The church is pleased to announce that the following jobs are available in the church during the summer for our youth to grow their skills and share their talents. The church is grateful to the Canada Summer Jobs funding program for supporting these job opportunities.

Jobs available:

Child care worker – daycare:  3 . . . → Read More: Summer Jobs 2023

Departure of Mr. Gamal Naguib (Father of Dr. Mina Naguib)

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live”

(John 11:25)

Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of the . . . → Read More: Departure of Mr. Gamal Naguib (Father of Dr. Mina Naguib)

Departure of Mr. Magdy Gorgy (Father of Dr. Meret Hanna)

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live”

(John 11:25)

Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of the . . . → Read More: Departure of Mr. Magdy Gorgy (Father of Dr. Meret Hanna)

Departure of Dr. Maged Salama

“Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts.”

(Psalms 65:4)

Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of the beloved Dr. Maged Salama asking . . . → Read More: Departure of Dr. Maged Salama

فريق خدمة المسرح (مشتهي الاجيال)

يعلن فريق خدمة المسرح ( مشتهي الاجيال ) بكنيسه مارمينا هاميلتون عن بدء تشكيل فريق للمشاركة في عمل مسرحي بالكنيسه. فمن لديه القدره علي المشاركه في الخدمه آلتواصل مع مسئول الخدمه

شريف إسحق: 7712-447-(647) – بيتر فايز: 5736-700-(289) – . . . → Read More: فريق خدمة المسرح (مشتهي الاجيال)

Holy Pascha Week Service Schedule 2023

Under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Mina, below is the church service schedule from Lazarus Saturday to Easter Monday.

Lazarus’ Saturday – April 8th, 2023 THE HOLY LITURGY 8:30am – 10:30am: Holy Liturgy of Lazarus’ Saturday THE EVENING RAISING OF INCENSE 6:30pm – 8:00pm: The Evening Raising of Incense for Palm Sunday . . . → Read More: Holy Pascha Week Service Schedule 2023