By admin, on April 19th, 2023%
يعلن فريق خدمة المسرح ( مشتهي الاجيال ) بكنيسه مارمينا هاميلتون عن بدء تشكيل فريق للمشاركة في عمل مسرحي بالكنيسه. فمن لديه القدره علي المشاركه في الخدمه آلتواصل مع مسئول الخدمه
شريف إسحق: 7712-447-(647) – بيتر فايز: 5736-700-(289) – . . . → Read More: فريق خدمة المسرح (مشتهي الاجيال)
By admin, on November 24th, 2022%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada congratulates her beloved Father Metias Said Ibrahim on his 39th Anniversary of Priesthood.
Fr. Metias was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on November 25th, 1983 by His Grace the late Bishop Youannes (John) of the Gharbia (Western) Diocese in Egypt. He served in St. George . . . → Read More: The 39th Anniversary of Priesthood of Fr. Metias Ibrahim
By admin, on November 17th, 2022%
“Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts.”
(Psalms 65:4)
Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of the beloved Mrs. Elisabat Kamel asking . . . → Read More: Departure of Mrs. Elisabat Kamel (Mother of Bishoy Hana)
By admin, on August 20th, 2022%
“Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts.”
(Psalms 65:4)
Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of the beloved mother Angel Elkomos Philopos asking . . . → Read More: Departure of Mrs. Angel Elkomos Philopos (Mother of Phoebe Michael)
By admin, on June 17th, 2022%
“You shall surely give to him, and your heart should not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the Lord your God will bless you in all your works and in all to which you put your hand.”
(Deuteronomy 15:10)
Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, and all the . . . → Read More: Departure of Mr. Rizk Mina
By admin, on March 4th, 2022%
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”
(Revelation 21:1-2)
. . . → Read More: Departure of Mr. Nerouse Boctor
By admin, on January 4th, 2022%
“Who is this coming up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved”
(Song of Solomon 8:5)
Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of Mrs. Violet Fathy Asham, sister of Mrs. Venice Kamel asking . . . → Read More: Departure of Mrs. Violet Fathy Asham (Sister of Mrs. Venice Kamel)
By admin, on November 23rd, 2021%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada congratulates her beloved Father Metias Said Ibrahim on his 38th Anniversary of Priesthood.
Fr. Metias was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on November 25th, 1983 by His Grace the late Bishop Youannes (John) of the Gharbia (Western) Diocese in Egypt. He served in St. George . . . → Read More: The 38th Anniversary of Priesthood of Fr. Metias Ibrahim
By admin, on October 10th, 2021%
“Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts.”
(Psalms 65:4)
Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the departure of Dr. Philip Fathy Asham, brother of Mrs. Venice Kamel and the . . . → Read More: Departure of Dr. Philip Fathy Asham (Brother of Mrs. Venice Kamel)
By admin, on September 20th, 2021%
“Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts.”
(Psalms 65:4)
Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation offer their deepest condolences to Mrs. Nermine and all the members of the family asking the Lord to repose Mrs. Fawzia’s soul in the paradise of . . . → Read More: Departure of Mrs. Fawzia Kamel (Mother of Mrs. Nermine Zaki)