
Verses of the Day!

The Praises of Kiahk – by Fr. Pishoy Kamel

The praise of Kiahk (also called “7 and 4”) on the Eve of Sunday is the praise of every eve of Sunday all year, since Sunday is the day of the Resurrection when the Church stays awake until daybreak. Eventually, it contacts the dawn of eternity, whose sun never leaves, because the . . . → Read More: The Praises of Kiahk – by Fr. Pishoy Kamel

St. Philopateer Mercurius (Abu Sefein)

Philopateer was born in 225 A.D. of pagan parents in the city of Eskentos in Cappadocia in Eastern Asia Minor (a region of the ancient world that corresponds to modern day Turkey). The name Philopateer is a greek word that means lover of the father. (Pateer = father, Philo = love). The conversion of . . . → Read More: St. Philopateer Mercurius (Abu Sefein)

Saint John Chrysostom: Golden from Youth

Saint John Chrysostom is ranked among the greatest fathers of the church. His gifts of eloquence of speech, fluency of languages, in-depth writings and interpretations, as well as his piety and courageous spiritual nature have made the greatness of this saint legendary.

Saint John Chrysostom was born in Syria in . . . → Read More: Saint John Chrysostom: Golden from Youth

St. Mina the Wonder-Worker

The Coptic Orthodox Christian Church commemorates the lives of the saints in Her Tradition through the Divine Liturgy, the praises services, the Difnar, and the Synexarium. The commemoration of the saints is important in the Orthodox Church because the saints reflected Christ’s light in the world. Many Orthodox believers develop a personal relationship . . . → Read More: St. Mina the Wonder-Worker

The 39th Anniversary of Pope Shenouda’s Accession to the See of St. Mark

St. Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Hamilton congratulates her beloved father, the Shepherd of Shepherds, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope and Lord Archbishop of the Great City of Alexandria and Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Orthodox and Apostolic Throne of Saint Mark the Evangelist and Holy Apostle that is, in . . . → Read More: The 39th Anniversary of Pope Shenouda’s Accession to the See of St. Mark

Mother Irini: A Modern Desert Mother

on October 31st, 2006, one of our church’s bright lights faded from this earth. Mother Irini, mother of (St. Mercurius) Abu-Seifen Convent in Old Cairo, and known to many as Umina (Our Mother in Arabic) Irini or simply as Tamav ( our Mother in coptic), departed to the heavenly Jerusalem.

To . . . → Read More: Mother Irini: A Modern Desert Mother

St. Rueiss: A Life of Humility

On the 21st of Paope (October 31st) our Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the departure of a great man, St. Reweis. Poor, illiterate, homeless and a defamed Christian, St. Reweis endured all afflictions for the glory of God. His life reminds us of the living example St. Paul has given us in his letter . . . → Read More: St. Rueiss: A Life of Humility

The Cross in Christianity – by Fr. Pishoy Kamel

The Cross has weak appearance to the uninformed, but to the Christian, it is a weapon to overcome our worldly desires, and threats. With it we defeat Satan. “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” . . . → Read More: The Cross in Christianity – by Fr. Pishoy Kamel

The Adoration of St. Mary – by Bishop Youssef

“Awake, O My Harp, Your Chords, In Praise of the Virgin Mary! Lift Up Your Voice and Sing The Wonderful History of this Virgin, The Daughter of David, Who Gave Birth to the Life of the World!” — St. Ephram the Syrian

As Biblical history has recorded, St. Mary is . . . → Read More: The Adoration of St. Mary – by Bishop Youssef

The Virtues of the Holy Virgin Mary – by Pope Shenouda III


Humility was a fundamental condition for her of whom the Lord of Glory will be born. It was indispensable that He would be born from a humble person, who could bear the glory of the divine Incarnation from her, the glory of the coming of the Holy Spirit . . . → Read More: The Virtues of the Holy Virgin Mary – by Pope Shenouda III