
Verses of the Day!

The Feast of Nayrouz: Coptic New Year

“Blessed is God! In our time as well martyrs have come forth, and we have been made worthy to see people sacrificed for the Lord Christ, people who shed their holy blood to irrigate the entire Church. We have been made worthy to see people, advocates of piety, who are victorious, who . . . → Read More: The Feast of Nayrouz: Coptic New Year

The Feast of the Apsotles

On this day, the two great saints Peter and Paul, were martyred. Peter was from Bethsaida, and he was a fisherman. The Lord chose him on the second day of His baptism after He chose Andrew his brother. He had fervent faith and strong zeal. When the Lord asked His disciples: “Who do . . . → Read More: The Feast of the Apsotles

The Holy Fifty Days – by Bishop Serapion

Joy in the Lord

The period of the Fifty Holy Days is a special period in the ecclesiastical cycle. The prominent feature of this period is joy. The Church prays with a festal tune in all Her liturgies and prayers, including the funerals. During this period, the Church lives the life . . . → Read More: The Holy Fifty Days – by Bishop Serapion