By admin, on April 17th, 2011%
The Holy Pascha is a week filled with Holy memories of the most crucial stage of salvation and redemption in Christian history. Everyone benefits from the sharing of the Lord Jesus Christ’s suffering during this time. Orthodox Church icons, pillars, and lecterns are covered in black to create a sober atmosphere conducive to . . . → Read More: Thine is the Power!
By admin, on March 18th, 2011%
The Church celebrates the feast of the Cross on the 17th of Tout (27th or 28th of September), the day of the apparition of the Cross to the Emperor Constantine, and on the 10th of Baramhat (19th of March), the day when the Empress Helen found the wood of the Holy Cross. We . . . → Read More: The Feasts of the Cross – by H.H. Pope Shenouda III
By admin, on February 28th, 2011%
St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by kneeling as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2011:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2011
By admin, on February 27th, 2011%
Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this holy period is specified for correction, purification, an enlightenment of our entire being, both physically and spiritually. Great Lent is considered the spring of our spiritual life, and for every soul that yearns for her Heavenly Bridegroom, this is considered “a honeymoon,” in which the . . . → Read More: The Holy Great Lent: A Joyful Journey
By admin, on February 13th, 2011%
Jonah was an eighth century BC famous prophet from Gath-helper, a small Galilean town near Nazareth. Jonah the Prophet is famous for the well-known story about him and the diverse ways in which the Lord spoke to him. Most often, Jonah was spoken to in obscurity pertinent to his needs at the very . . . → Read More: Subtly, God Spoke to Jonah
By admin, on December 11th, 2010%
This is a really nice hymn called “Your love embraced me” or سبانى حُبك. This hymn is usually said during the Kiahk Praises. Below is an English translation of the hymn followed by a pdf file of this hymn in English and Arabic.
R: Your love embraced me .. O’ pride . . . → Read More: Your love embraced me!
By admin, on December 11th, 2010%
This is a a video recording of the Kiahk Praises, recorded on Wednesday, December 12th, 2001 in St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church in El-Zeitoun, Cairo, Egypt, in the presence of His Grace Bishop Youannes (John), Assistant Bishop and Patriarchal Secretary for His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.
This is a very nice . . . → Read More: Kiahk Praises Video – Bishop Youannes
By admin, on December 8th, 2010%
The praise of Kiahk (also called “7 and 4”) on the Eve of Sunday is the praise of every eve of Sunday all year, since Sunday is the day of the Resurrection when the Church stays awake until daybreak. Eventually, it contacts the dawn of eternity, whose sun never leaves, because the . . . → Read More: The Praises of Kiahk – by Fr. Pishoy Kamel
By admin, on September 29th, 2010%
I carry a cross in my pocket, A simple reminder to me That I am a Christian, No matter where I may be.
This little cross isn’t magic, Nor is it a good luck charm. It isn’t meant to protect me From every physical harm.
It’s . . . → Read More: The Cross in my Pocket
By admin, on September 26th, 2010%
The Cross has weak appearance to the uninformed, but to the Christian, it is a weapon to overcome our worldly desires, and threats. With it we defeat Satan. “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” . . . → Read More: The Cross in Christianity – by Fr. Pishoy Kamel