By admin, on February 24th, 2025%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2025:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2025
By admin, on March 10th, 2024%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2024:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2024
By admin, on February 20th, 2023%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2023:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2023
By admin, on February 28th, 2022%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2022:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2022
By admin, on March 8th, 2021%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2021:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2021
By admin, on March 22nd, 2020%
Rest assured my beloved …
When the whale swallowed Jonah, he was prevented from seeing the temple, but he prayed that he might see it again, “ Then I said, ‘I have been cast out of Your sight, yet I will look again toward Your holy temple.’ ” (Jonah 2: 4) … indeed, he . . . → Read More: Fourth Sunday of Great Lent – The Samaritan Woman
By admin, on February 23rd, 2020%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2020:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2020
By admin, on March 3rd, 2019%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2019:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted for my sake, keep . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2019
By admin, on December 9th, 2018%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Fast of Nativity (Advent) for the year 2018:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, who was incarnated for me,have mercy on me, through the intercession of . . . → Read More: Prayer for the Fast of Nativity – Advent 2018
By admin, on February 11th, 2018%
Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church invites you to join us in prayers accompanied by metanias (prostrations) as part of our personal prayer at home on the morning of every day of the Holy Great Lent for the year 2018:
O my Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who fasted . . . → Read More: Prostrations & Readings for the Holy Great Lent 2018