
Verses of the Day!

Baptism: Crowning Back into the Original Glory

“Purify our bodies; wash us from our iniquities; make us worthy of the dwelling of Your Holy Spirit in our souls. Enlighten our minds that we may behold Your praiseworthiness. Purify our thoughts and mingle us with Your Glory…” (Fraction to the Son)

On the eleventh of Tobe, two weeks . . . → Read More: Baptism: Crowning Back into the Original Glory

Baptism: The Very Beginning of Eternal Life

“Who has given us, unworthy though we are, blessed purification through Holy water, and Divine sanctification through life-giving Chrismation, and who now also has been pleased to bring new life to your servant newly illuminated by water and the Spirit, and granted remission of sins-voluntary and involuntary.” (Old Prayer prayed by the priest . . . → Read More: Baptism: The Very Beginning of Eternal Life