
Verses of the Day!

تهنئة مباركة لخورُس شهداء ليبيا الصامتين بقلم القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي

دموع ثمينة! شاهد الكثيرون في العالم فيديو استشهادكم فسالت دموع الكثيرين: تُرَى هل هي دموع المرارة على ما بلغه الإنسان من قسوة فاقت وحشية الوحوش المفترسة؟ إننا نحبهم ونبكي عليهم لعلّ الربّ يفتح بصيرتهم فيرجعوا إليه، كما أعلن نفسه لشاول الطرسوسي (أع ٩). هل هي دموع مشاركة عائلاتكم حزنهم؟ لقد صرتم أعضاء مُكَرَّمين في . . . → Read More: تهنئة مباركة لخورُس شهداء ليبيا الصامتين بقلم القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي

The 21 Martyrs of Libya: Videotaped Instantaneous Sainthood

The 21 men of Libya are men of valor and courage. We need to respect them for who they are and what befall them. The 21 martyrs of Libya are to be commended for allowing those of all beliefs, nationalities, and political platforms to bear witness to instantaneous sainthood through . . . → Read More: The 21 Martyrs of Libya: Videotaped Instantaneous Sainthood

Family Day 2015 with H.G. Bishop Mina

Under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Mina, Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Hamilton would like to invite you and your family to spend the Family Day (Monday, February 16th, 2015) in the church with the presence of H.G. Bishop Mina. The schedule will be as follows:

08:00 . . . → Read More: Family Day 2015 with H.G. Bishop Mina

Papal Christmas Message 2015

Click here to download the Papal Christmas Message in PDF (Arabic – English).

I congratulate you, my beloved, for the Glorious Nativity feast and beginning the New Year of 2015. I hope you to have a new year full of blessings, goodness, love, joy and peace. In fact, I . . . → Read More: Papal Christmas Message 2015

The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Love of Honor

Whenever one tries to approach the Blessed Virgin Mary to understand the secrets behind her life, one’s mind gets boggled and baffled by them. For, while a lot of women and leaders of women’s movements fight to obtain rights and honor, this simple poor girl appeared on the scene of events to become . . . → Read More: The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Love of Honor

Easter Message from Bishop Mina 2014

Click here to download the Easter Message of His Grace Bishop Mina in PDF

My dear sons and daughters,

Christ is risen, truly He is risen!

“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay” (Matthew . . . → Read More: Easter Message from Bishop Mina 2014

Papal Easter Message 2014

Click here to download the Papal Easter Message in PDF (Arabic – English).

Khristos Anesti; Alithos Anesti! Pi-Ekhrestos Aftonf; Khen O Methmi Aftonf! Christ is Risen; Truly He is Risen!

I congratulate you my beloved with the Glorious Resurrection Feast that is the crown of our feasts and . . . → Read More: Papal Easter Message 2014

Carrying The Cross – by Bishop Serapion

Our Church celebrates two feasts for the Cross. One is on Parmhat 10th (March 19th), which always falls during Great Lent. The other is on Tout 17th (September 27th), which falls at the end of our celebrations of the The Coptic New Year (The Feast of Nairouz), and this latter Feast of the . . . → Read More: Carrying The Cross – by Bishop Serapion

Meaning of Great Lent – by Bishop Serapion

Great Lent is considered the holiest fast since our Lord Jesus Christ Himself had fasted it. Therefore, during Great Lent we follow the example set by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who fasted on our behalf forty days and forty nights (Matthew 4:2). Also during Holy Week, which comes after the . . . → Read More: Meaning of Great Lent – by Bishop Serapion

Baptism: Crowning Back into the Original Glory

“Purify our bodies; wash us from our iniquities; make us worthy of the dwelling of Your Holy Spirit in our souls. Enlighten our minds that we may behold Your praiseworthiness. Purify our thoughts and mingle us with Your Glory…” (Fraction to the Son)

On the eleventh of Tobe, two weeks . . . → Read More: Baptism: Crowning Back into the Original Glory