Welcoming Pope Shenouda III during his visit to attend the 100 years anniversary of Virgin Mary Church in Elsagha, Tanta, Egypt – 1975. In the picture, the Late Bishop Youannes of Gharbia and Father Metias (a deacon in that time) holding the Service of the Deacons Book. Welcoming Pope Shenouda III during his visit to attend the 100 years anniversary of Virgin Mary Church in Elsagha, Tanta, Egypt – 1975. In the picture, Father Metias (a deacon in that time) on the left of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III. In front of the the Papal Residence in St. Bishoy Monastery, Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III – 1990. In the picture, His Grace Bishop Paula and Father Metias beside him. In front of the the Papal Residence in St. Bishoy Monastery, Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III – 1990. In the picture, His Grace Bishop Paula and Father Metias beside him. Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in the Papal Residence in St. Bishoy Monastery, Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt – 1994. Our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in the Papal Residence in St. Bishoy Monastery, Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt – 1994. Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in the Papal Residence in Cairo, Egypt – July 20, 1996. The family of Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in the Papal Residence in St. Bishoy Monastery, Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt – 1998. The family of Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in the Papal Residence in St. Bishoy Monastery, Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt – 1998. Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in Toronto Pearson International Airport, Canada – 1999. Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III during the Annual Coptic Clergy Seminar at the Virgin Mary Spiritual Vineyard in Boston, USA – 2002. In the picture, Father Moses Matar (St. Mary and St. Abraam, Ajax). Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III during the Annual Coptic Clergy Seminar at the Virgin Mary Spiritual Vineyard in Boston, USA – August 3, 2010. During the meeting, Father Metias updated Sayedna about the latest news on the new church project progress which was about to be completed very soon (at that time). Father Metias also invited Sayedna to concecrate the new church once the project is completed. Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in the Papal Residence in Cleveland, USA – May 26, 2011. Father Metias with our beloved father the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III in the Papal Residence in Cleveland, USA – May 26, 2011. In the picture, Father Moses Matar (St. Mary and St. Abraam, Ajax) and Father Morcos Hanna (Archangel Michael and St. Tekla, Brampton).