“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25)

Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of St. Mina Church in Hamilton offer their deepest condolences for the family of Mrs. Laila Mansour who departed in the Lord.
Mrs. Laila Mansour is the wife of the late Mr. Hakim Sargeos. She is the mother of Eng. Sameh Sargeos [Deacon Kyrillos] (husband of Mrs. Nermine Zaki) and Mr. Adel Hakim (husband of Mrs. Nivine Hakim); and the grandmother of Mr. Marco Hakim, Ms. Monika Sargeos, Mrs. Karen Hakim (wife of Dr. Michael Shehata) and Eng. Meray Sargeos.
Funeral prayers will be held at Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church (1562 Rymal Road East, Hamilton, ON L8W3P1) on Tuesday, September 24th at 12 PM (noon).
The family will accept condolences at St. Philopateer Coptic Orthodox Church (40 Wilbert St., Guelph, ON N1K 0A3) on Monday, September 23rd from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.
The family will also accept condolences at Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church (1562 Rymal Road East, Hamilton, ON L8W 3P1) on Tuesday, September 24th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
May the Lord repose her righteous soul in the paradise of joy.
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