The church rejoices and congratulates our beloved Fr. Metias Ibrahim on his ordination to the rank of Hegumen by the hand of H.G. Bishop Mina on Sunday, November 19, 2023. This year, and specifically November 25th, marks the 40th priesthood anniversary of our beloved Abouna Metias who was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 1983 by His Grace the late Bishop Youannes (John) of the Gharbia (Western) Diocese in Egypt. May the Lord bless abouna, keep him to His church and congregation for many more years to come. Axios Axios Axios, Hegumen Fr. Metias!

You can rewatch the ordination here.
+ God Bles +
اكسيوس ابونا متياس, مبارك نعمة القمصية ربنا يبارك فى خدمتك و حياتك، و صلواتك عنا