Fr. Metias, the church board, the deacons, the servants, and all the congregation of the Church of Saint Mina in Hamilton, Ontario congratulate our beloved Fr. Moses (formerly Eng. Ehab Sadik) for His Reverence’s ordination to the priesthood on the holy altar of St. Mary and St. Moses Coptic Orthodox Church of Windsor. The ordination occurred today, Saturday, August 10, 2019 by the holy hands of our father His Grace Bishop Mina of the Diocese of Mississauga, Vancouver, and Western Canada. We also wholeheartedly congratulate Tasoni Nevine Sadik as well as their blessed children Marina and Monica as well as all the extended family.
Fr. Moses has served in @StMinaHamilton (Saint Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Hamilton) for over 20 years in different roles including Sunday School, Deacons, Activities and Trips, Engineering Committee, and New Church Project Committee. May our loving God Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest grant His Reverence wisdom and grace in the new ministry, and make His Reverence’s service a blessing for all of us and the whole area.

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