Click here to download the Papal Christmas Message in PDF (English).
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen.
Dear brothers and sisters,
I wish you all a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas,
Four things Christ wants us to enjoy this Christmas, Let us read Isaiah 9:6 “For a child is born to us, A son is given to us; And the government Is upon His shoulder; And His name will be called:-
- Wonderful Counselor
- Mighty God
- Eternal Father
- Prince of Peace.”
These are the four things which Christ wants us to enjoy and experience this Christmas (Isa 9:6)
A. God is our “Wonderful counselor” – To be the Wonder of Christmas, our Joy. Many don’t enjoy Christmas maybe because of:- Few gifts, Family troubles, or Fears, but Christ as the divine Word, the wisdom of God, is the source of all the wonders of creation
- Wonderful indicates something uncommon or out of the ordinary.
- What makes any marriage Wonderful?! Neither a big house, nor the model of a car, nor the gifts we got when we were married – what makes any marriage Wonderful is the person I got married to
- The true wonder of Christmas can only be found in Jesus!
- What really makes Christmas “wonderful” is to know that Jesus stepped down from heaven and become a man! then died for me! And now He lives IN ME!
- You cannot say that a meal is Wonderful until you have eaten it yourself -You need to know him better to know how wonderful God is
He is your “Counsellor” – A wonderful counsellor
Proverbs 11:14, “For lack of guidance a people falls; security lies in many counselors.”
Micah 4:9 “Now why do you cry aloud? Is there no king in your midst? Has your counselor perished?”
Isaiah 11:2 “And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”
Jesus is the wisdom of God Jesus is Your Best Friend – Jesus is the best counsellor the One you lean on! The one whom you trust in for wisdom and guidance, and direction
Christmas is very sad when it is not shared with someone. The Lord Jesus wishes more than anything to be the One with whom you share the joy of this season, and that you lean on through every trial – your best friend! Don’t leave Jesus out of Christmas!
B. YOUR “Mighty God” – Your Strength, Refuge, Trust! Who is Jesus Christ to you? Is he just A “good man” who lived long ago? Or He is the Mighty God ! Jesus is not just the sweet little baby in a manger, but the Mighty God of your life – the One who fights your battles, and provides strong refuge in times of trouble!
C. YOUR “Everlasting Father” Jesus, your Everlasting Father, came down into a broken and sinful world to fill our hearts with heaven’s love, and to teach us how to love one another. He came to make sons and daughters out of his enemies. This is the Father’s gift to us at Christmas. The One who will never let you down Always being there for you, Always working things out for our best – not just for convenience,
D. He is YOUR “Prince of Peace” – Your Savior, Why do we call Him prince of peace?
- Peace describe His nature.
- The mission of Christ was to bring peace to the world.
- Apart from Him, there is no peace
Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are restored to a relationship of peace with God (Romans 5:1) Jesus reconcile God and sinner together – to make real Peace
- Christ, the Lamb of God coming to earth to pay my sin-debt
- Dying on the cross in my place
- Making peace by His blood on the cross –
- Christ now awaits you to repent of your sin, and receive the greatest gift ever given – eternal life in Jesus Christ!
May God bless you all,
— His Grace Bishop Mina
Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Mississauga, Vancouver, and Western Canada
January 7th, 2019
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