
Verses of the Day!

St. Mina’s Spiritual Revival – June 2017

St-MinaIn celebration of the Feast of the Consecration of the Church of Saint Mina the Wonder-Worker at Mariout, under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Mina of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Mississauga, Vancouver and Western Canada, St. Mina’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Hamilton is pleased to invite you to a spiritual revival according to the schedule below.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017:

  • 7:30pm to 9:30pm: Vespers, sermon and glorification, in the presence of His Grace Bishop Kozman (Diocese of El-Arish and all North Sinai, Egypt) and the reverend fathers the priests of the region, followed by agape meal for everyone.

Thursday, June 22, 2017:

  • 9:00am to 11:30am: Holy Liturgy (Feast of the Consecration of the Church of Saint Mina the Wonder-Worker at Mariout) with the presence of His Grace Bishop Mina.

Please join us and invite other too. Happy feast in God’s grace.

Click here for church address and directions.

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