Youth Monastery Retreat 2017
By admin, on February 20th, 2017

- Whom: High School and University/College Students
- Where: St. Mary & St. Demiana Convent in Georgia, USA
- When: Monday, July 31st, 2017 to Saturday, August 5th, 2017
- Details:
- Direct flight from Toronto to Atlanta (non-stop) via Air Canada
- Trip to Six Flags Amusement Park (Over Georgia)
- Shuttle bus to provide transportation between the airport, the convent and the park.
- Limited availability (limited number of seats)
- Cost:
- Early Bird -> $700/person (before April 1st)
- Effective April 1st, 2017 -> $750/person
- Installments Option:
- Down payment on registration $300 (before April 1st) or $350 (on or after April 1st)
- To be accompanied by 2 post-dated cheques, each is of $200. First cheque dated for May 1st and second cheque dated for June 1st.
- Contact Person: Mr. Amir Abdou
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