
Verses of the Day!

Thanks be to God

Today I feel like saying, “Thanks be to God”
Thanks… for everything God gives us abundantly; health, happiness and propserity.
Thanks… for the hard lessons that have helped me to know myself better and others.
Thanks… for the opportunities to cultivate patience, tolerance and hope.
Thanks… for the failures I have stomached because that taught me humilty
Thanks… for the obligations to never sleep on my past short-comings, and the necessity to understand the failures of other people who, just like me, at times need a helping hand.
Thanks… for multiple discoveries of realities and truths.
Thanks… for the good things I’ve grasped and the bad things I’ve dodged.
Thanks… for the solutions I’ve found and the talents I’ve grown.
Thanks… for the victories I’ve earned and the beautiful days I’ve lived.
Thanks… for the the parents who love me and the friends I’ve met.
Thanks… for the teachers who taught and the books I’ve read.
Thanks… for the journeys I’ve made and the meals I’ve had.
Thanks… for the sceneries I’ve admired and the sun I’ve watched.
Thanks… for the flowers I’ve gazed at and the air I’ve breathed.
Thanks… for the growing awareness that God is tending me despite my mistakes… protecting me despite my weakness…loving me despite my flaws… and finding solutions for me despite my stubbornness.
Thanks… for the joy oh so simple of the feeling that I’m “alive!”
And thanks be to God, for every morning I wake up to find another day to live and love.
Thank You God for the breath of life!

— Author Unknown

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